LIVE EVENTS (scroll down to view)
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LIVE Events
Registration closes 1 hour before event begins, please plan accordingly
Flow with the New Moon: A 2025 Journey with Jana Scalzitti
Begins 6:30 PM CST (7:30 PM EST; 4:30 PM PST)
January 29 (Wednesday)
Note: Recording available for download if you are unable to attend live
*Please bring headphones
Embrace the Magic of the New Moon: The New Moon is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and planting seeds of intention. We align with these energies, open ourselves up to the possibilities and let go of the striving mentality. We begin 2025 and tap into our intuition and inner guidance for the insight behind our desires. We cultivate a state of effortless flow to align with our soul's call and allow next steps to be revealed.
In this live event, you will benefit from sound therapy and guided meditation to release resistance and sync with the rhythms of the universe. Experience profound relaxation and let go of emotional blocks. Allow yourself the space to deeply listen and trust on this journey.
We uncover the soul’s call through reflective journaling and connect with inner wisdom. Explore and trust the divine timing of the universe. Cultivate the patience to allow your dreams to unfold in their perfect order. Let 2025 be the year you are so in the flow and rhythm of your life that your dreams and desires come to you. Stop the striving and allow yourself to align with your flow.
$35. Zoom link provided upon registration.
Register for Flow w/the New Moon: A 2025 Journey w/Jana-January
Full Moon Meditation with Vernon Nicolas
Begins 6:30 PM CST (7:30 PM EST; 4:30 PM PST)
February 12 (Wednesday)
Every month's full moon meditation features Meditation on Twin Hearts, an advanced technique aimed at achieving illumination or universal consciousness. It is non-denominational and practiced by tens of thousands worldwide. The Meditation on Twin Hearts is extraordinary in its simplicity and has demonstrated amazing and dramatic results. The meditation is intended to raise one's vibrations towards higher states of awareness and expanded levels of consciousness. Research has demonstrated neurophysiological, psychological, sociological and psycho-spiritual benefits from the Meditation on Twin Hearts. Blessing the earth with loving-kindness, peace and goodwill following the Meditation on Twin Hearts can be done by a group as a form of world service. The effectiveness of the blessing is magnified many times more when done as a group rather than as an individual. To learn more about the research and benefits of this meditation, find the Featured Resources section here:
Free to attend, but registration required. Event is 60 minutes. Zoom link provided upon registration.
Register for the Full Moon Meditation with Vernon